What people are saying about working with me.
Start Your Training Now! FREE. Testimonials for Meditation Workshop on Chakra Cleansing and Completion
“i am in a state of bliss, i believe in myself and i am not afraid, i want to draw, i want to do, i want to live and enrich, and shine ” Helen V.
“ I took a “Paint Your Breakthrough with Verdic Art Principles” led by Elena Zelenina hoping to learn how to paint better, but I was surprised at how this workshop turned out to be more than just a class on art principals. It gave me a roadmap to my inner self. Elena teaches you to observe, listen and believe in your own divine. Besides creating an inspired art I though I could never create, I changed my inner perspective on my own abilities and life as a whole.
I am sure that people from all walks of life as well as professions will learn something very unique and specific about themselves in her classes, and this will help them to feel complete–each person in its own authentic way.” Tamara Z.
It is my second time taking Vedic art workshop. The first time it has brought me to the higher level of understanding the conceptual approach to painting and art in general. It was the mind blowing experience. I was able to paint things that I could not even imagine painting. The most amazing part was that when I would start painting, I would have no idea where I would end up. Like I was allowing the universe to guide me through the process and results were amazing. The second time I took this course, I have deepened my knowledge and my experience to the point where I realized that I am capable of creating art that actually may be regarded as professional. Next time when I take the course, I know, I will go even deeper into my processes. Huge thanks to Elena for such a fantastic and unique workshop!!! Margarita S.
Many thanks for the workshop. It introduced myself to myself. It gave Art a different meaning than I had before I met you. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INSPIRATION! Nadezhda T.
I entered the course with a sense of doubt and uncertainty about where my art was going and even sometimes whether it was worth it. I have been searching for my artistic narrative for many years and meeting may dead ends. Since having a near death experience a year ago I thought to focus on that in a very personal way. Yet the fears and stress of recovery blocked my abilities to express that experience creatively. This course helped me to understand some of the long buried roots of doubt and denial associated with the cause of my present blocks. I feel freer and excited to see the path ahead and look forward to what I shall create. Steve P.
I’ve been painting for slightly more than a year and before that never took a brush or a pencil in my hand. But the true opening came to me after I completed ” Art Completes You workshop.” It totally transformed my vision of art and myself as an artist (Yes!!! I Can say that!! )Practice of Completion is one of the greatest gifts that could be given. THANK YOU!! Tamara Z.
I can’t believe it that we had our first session just a week ago. Since then I have been painting non-stop and believe me, this is new to me. I have not painted prior to this workshop for at least 35 years. Elena, you have a great talent to inspire each one of us in our own unique way. I am already looking at everything around me in a completely new light. I see reflections, shadows, colors, shapes. It all calls for explorations, like beautiful jewels sparkling in every object and every person. Love it!!!” Thank you, ~ Bela S.
“People always ask me, “as a Life Coach, do you ever feel like you have a solution for every obstacle? My answer is always a passionate “no!” I’m not only a teacher, but a student of life as well. Because I’m a Life Coach, I think I understand more of the importance of having my own business/life/spiritual coaches. I am constantly learning, growing and developing myself, spiritually, creatively and mentally, which gets translated into every phase of my business. My life’s purpose is one of exploration, to see just how many layers of myself I can reveal, and each layer teaches me something new about myself in return. Today’s workshop was called “My Universe”, a one-on-one coaching session with my favorite mentor and artist @elenazelenina_art. I learned that I can be a life coach, world traveler, writer, video blogger, work with women and teens, and be a yogi all at the same time. Each is a petal to the same flower, they all work together to create one being, ME!
The end result, after 7 hours of deep creative and contemplative work, is a girl who feels complete rather than fragmented and overwhelmed with responsibility.” Ayelet Shimron
“A true teacher doesn’t show you what to do but guides you so you can find your own unique way to do it. Thank you Elena for helping me remember! Now I understand how paintings truly paint themselves. I’m not the artist just the channel for what wanted to be seen! ” Evi Siscos
“Hello, Elena! This practice you showed me is very powerful. Thank you so much! It works wonders. I have a breakthrough…I can’t thank you enough! I work a lot on all the aspects of my life – very hard. But I really think your practice made this step up in my journey! Marina Davidzon
“Elena is a powerful counselor as well as healer.” Paul Yevzikov
I have learned that life is about the feeling of limitlessness, of being expansive. Taking up space and owning that space. I learned that creativity is the force behind everything. Passion and desire to create is then contained within the frame work of intelligence, the shape. I also learned that stopping to observe the things around you, you notice details that you didn’t notice before. Somthing that you would have overlooked for having nothing there, can actually have intricacy and detail. Alex B
Thank you so much!!! My daughter while getting to the area where we live, exclaimed: “This is beautiful! Why, people? It’s not Christmas!!!”????Thank you thank you thank you!!! For being YOU!!! For being with us!!! Marina D.
“I would like to say a big thank you to my now friend and teacher and her class that I took last winter. Elena’s teaching technique and exercises helped me a lot to understand the nature of the painting process, look differently on the world around me, and believe that I can paint. I now notice things I have never ever noticed before. Keeping in mind that I had never painted before in my life, I’m doing quite well now and as a result of our work, I believe one of my recent paintings has been sold. Thank you Elena for your patience and belief in me.” Olga M.
Благодарствую. Воистину замечательное действо было. Larisa L.
Thank you for such a wonderful, much-needed event! Marina D.
Thank you, Elena Zelenina for the beautiful and inspiring workshop! Za L
This summer I got the main part in Fiddler in the Roof in my summer camp. Thank you Ms. Elena and Biryukov Academy for believing in me when no one else did.” Eric M.
“I now have a powerful tool that I can use that frees me to go beyond my outer edge of growing in which I allow myself to take risks and go where I never dared before!” Bill Sarnowski
My daughter is gifted with an eye to see things I cannot see. I could tell that she was talented by the way she would add shadows and details that I would not have thought of. I started searching for a school that would help develop her skill. Her teacher Elena is bringing out new dimensions in Aziza’s artistic ability. Aziza is more confident and she really enjoys class and her talent even more now. She really gets upset if she has to miss class for any reason. I noticed she has gained more confidence, and she will try to draw or use her creative inspirations without doubting herself. Because of Elena’s class, she was able to do the rest of the school work with ease. I am so proud of what she has learned. I can see the fruit of Elena’s labor! I can’t wait to see what happens this year! Thank you Elena!” Allison R.
Michelle Cella who is 9 y.o., a student of Elena says:, “going to Miss Eena’s is my favorite thing to do,…I just love Miss Lena. ” –Jennifer C.
Dear Elena, We had great time. We enjoyed all the programs. Thank you and we love you. Grace F.
Thank you so much Elena. I wonder how did my son become so awesome? You are his teacher since he was 3.5 yrs old… testament to your awesome talent and nurturing mentor. We (both Simon and I) have our utmost respect for you. Thank you!”-Annabelle L.
How wonderful. My oldest, Emily, used to take classes with you…Just wanted to say that she still talks about those art classes she took with you. thanks for the service you do for our community. We each give according to our own talents to make this world beautiful! –Kris H.
We are very confident that no matter where our son’s journey in life will lead, artistic instruction he has received is a great foundation for his future educational growth and artistic appreciation. In today’s world of MTV, video games, and immediate internet gratification, time honored artistic traditions are an extremely important element in expression and culture. Molinary Family
What a quality of instruction. Elena would give you the constructive guidance which matched your skill level and guided you to an ever higher level of insight and spiritual enlightenment. Raymond R.
Лена,огромное спасибо за день ,который мы провели вместе ,все было просто фантастически. Irina S.
Леночка! Спасибо огромное, это как поток свежего воздуха ворвавшегося через удушье. Начало чего то совершенно нового!!! Alla S.
Сегодня посетила мероприятие “Трансформация через искусство”. Интересно насколько человек может не подозревать о своем многообразии внутренних резервов и возможностей. Мне всегда казалось, что живопись эта та область искусства, где я совсем ничего не понимаю и не умею. А оказалось так легко просто взять лист бумаги и линией с помощью карандаша, заинтересованно наблюдая за этим действом, перенести на бумагу свое состояние внутреннего мироощущения, отбросив все сомнения в своей несостоятельности, в отрицании своих возможностей. И как хорошо что есть такие учителя как Лена, которые помогают тебе понять что нет ничего невозможного для любого человека, который хочет пробудить в себе творческое начало через живопись, а еще, оказывается, таким способом можно прорабатывать конфликтные ситуации, блоки, дискомфорт, выводя себя на другой уровень осознания. Я попробовала и ощутила что мое внимание, заостренное на кончике карандаша, помогает успокоится, сбалансировать себя и ощутить прилив энергии, а еще линии, которые шли произвольно, как то оформились во что то, на что можно смотреть уже как на рисунок… А еще трансформация происходит от встречи с такими интересными людьми, которых я встретила на этом мероприятии, спасибо вам девочки. Ирина С.
Сегодня, когда я увидела видео Лены, я подумала, это так классно, когда другой человек вдохновляет других и заставляет найти себя и то, что нравится действительно. Если нам не нравятся стандарты , “why do we not question them”? Это такой эмоциональный подъем. А касательно наc, я подумала, что раньше всегда считала себя только такой Дашей, которая учится и все, а теперь я понимаю, что я могу и хочу быть студенткой, но не меньше я хочу быть вдохновением для других, что жизнь это много шансов реализовать себя, общаться с интересными людьми , и заниматьcя тем, чем хочется. Даша
Здравствуйте, Елена. Хочу вас поблагодарить за ваши уроки! Благодаря вам я впервые смогла получить удовольствие от рисования выполняя ваши задания. Признаюсь, что страх чистого холста преследует меня всю мою жизнь и это является, не побоюсь сказать, трагедией моей жизни. Я пытаюсь рисовать с детства, у меня есть профессиональные художественные навыки, бесконечные школы, классы и т.д. Но для меня это всегда, как мука и бесконечный стресс. Я не могу без творчества и чувствую себя, как бутылка газировки, которую взболтали и заткнули. Благодаря вам у меня появился шанс получать радость от процесса и не сильно заморачиваться на результате. Чувствовать единение с чем то Высшим и просто транслировать эти волшебные энергии. Хотела просто выразить вам свою благодарность! Спасибо Вам большое! Аня Р.
Лена, добрый вечер. Спасибо за сегодняшний урок. Многое уже известно и все равно нашла для себя кое-что ценное. Эти занятия по рисованию помогают и в обычной жизни
. Ещё хочу добавить , что книга чудесная. И эффект необыкновенный получается – послушала занятия , потом ещё и прочитала , а потом приходит переосмысление . Не за один день , А в течение недели. К своему удивлению начала регулярно делать медитацию. Долго себя убеждала , что не найду время, а неожиданно все находится даже в выходные
. Правда не вышло на этой неделе каждый день порисовать , но все наверстаю. Очень важно, что стала чувствовать внутреннюю потребность самовыражения через карандаши.
А это связь с руками и сердцем . Огромная Вам благодарность за Ваш труд
Светлана Ф.